Table Talk
the Table Talk is a three-part event:
1. a STUDY SESSION video warms us up for this challenging topic
2. a SPIRITUAL PRACTICE video helps us go to God with it
3. our EVENT NIGHT invites us to share our voices on this
May 24, 2023
Race, History,
& Faith
Table Talks are 3-part events.
There are Study Sessions to explore the concept, a Spiritual Practice to help participants contextualize the concept, and an Event Night to gather together to discuss the concept.
In the Study Session, we survey the tragic history of interpretation on three areas of Western legacy:
the Doctrine of Discovery, slavery, and civil rights. The hope is to see how poor readings of scripture propped up injustice and dehumanization of non-white people throughout the history of the U.S.
In the Spiritual Practice, we take these weighty things to God in prayer.
At the Event Night, we will assemble at Three Forks Baptist Association (and on Zoom) to reflect about these things. We hope to find refreshing common ground across the spectrum as we seek humility and responsibility as ambassadors of Jesus.